Published on November 02, 2023 by Liliana De Sousa.

Let me tell you how Liliana Illustrations was born.

Let's go back in time...

For a long time, I hid (and even threw away) my drawings, convinced that they were not good enough. When I say "for a long time," it's actually until I was 34, so my entire life. I was never satisfied, I was ashamed... 🙈

During my second pregnancy, I searched for an outlet to channel my anxieties, to escape, I resumed drawing but I continued to hide my creations.

November 21, 2022

I open my Instagram account with a mix of excitement and fear. It's the beginning of a new era for me. I post my very first drawing, putting an end to years of hiding and self-flagellation.

I want to improve so I draw relentlessly, I dream drawing, I talk drawing, I eat drawing, I LIVE drawing, I self-train. All this in the utmost secrecy from my surroundings.

I work a lot, I forget to eat, I go to bed very late 😴, I start dreaming of drawing for the rest of my life, I take incredible pleasure so I dive in.

October 26, 2023

Less than a year later, I reached a crucial milestone by opening my E-Shop, after months of work and it is now as I write these lines that you read, my first blog post.✍🏼 I can now consider myself an "artist".

My mission

I hope you will love the illustrations I offer there as much as I do. My creations are much more than just a series of images. They are a small piece of me, a part of my soul that I share with you. I do not expect overwhelming enthusiasm, but I sincerely hope that my illustrations will bring you comfort, confidence, and happiness. For this is the very essence of this E-Shop.

I want every little girl to grow up understanding the incredible potential that lies within her, as vast as that of every little boy. I want every teenager to feel confident in her transition into the woman she will become, to be gentle with herself.🙏 I want every future mother to be aware of the wonderful yet equally bewildering change that awaits her, to be informed and shielded from the current social pressures associated with motherhood.


In one sentence, I want a better world.💪 A world filled with empathy, understanding, and love. Some might say that I live in a world of rainbows and unicorns, but I am convinced that this change is imperative. One step at a time, we can get there. And your presence here, your support, are precious steps in that direction. 🚀

Thank you for being here, thank you for being part of this journey. Together, we are writing a new story, a story of beauty, acceptance, and transformation.

With all my love and gratitude,

Liliana ☀️
